Go and meet your future visitors by finding the ideal way to disseminate your culture and tourism documents in dynamic fashion.

GES has since 1998 been your closely-knit network thanks to its dissemination system which is teeming with advantages for advertiser and visitor alike.

  • A simple system:
    GES deploys several networks of distribution points, mainly in the world of culture and tourism. More than 1500 displays are set up in the Great Region at high traffic sites. The displays are placed free of charge in hotels, service stations, tourist offices, museums, entertainment facilities, etc. They contain leaflets in all formats, supplied by the advertiser or designed and printed by GES and periodically renewed. The sites that play host to such displays appreciate this free service and pertinent offer to their clientele.
  • An efficient system:
    GES ensures the efficiency of its promotional effort by supplying all its distribution points regularly. In selecting the public, time and geographic area with precision, the advertiser can rest assured of making optimal use of his communication budget and of reducing contact costs to the maximum.
  • A rational system:
    GES makes it possible to reduce significantly the quantity of documents to be supplied by the advertiser, whilst guaranteeing a permanent presence by having the regular storage of the displays replenished by our deliverymen-fillers at least twice a month.
  • A structured system:
    GES provides advertisers with flexible and varied formulas as well as a range of highly specialised products capable of reaching very specific target audiences at the best possible moment. The combination of two or more networks or use of our combined formulas ensures optimal coverage at a controlled cost for the advertiser.

Visites Passion

This system as a whole holds advantages for the different stakeholders in the culture and tourism sector:

For the advertiser: Efficient advertising that reaches the right audience.
For the visitor: Rapid and easy access to local possibilities for a more pleasant and enjoyable stay.

For the tourism structure: The possibility to provide additional service to its customers and offer them an opportunity to extend their stay.
